Dewmini Roti Shop
Самые вкусные роти. Рис кари нужно заказывать за день до ужина.
239 m from hotel
Inland, Udupila, Mirissa
A guide to great places near Peacock Villa
Самые вкусные роти. Рис кари нужно заказывать за день до ужина.
239 m from hotel
Inland, Udupila, Mirissa
Definately recommend Surf Relief massage. They do also Shirodhara which is not mentioned in price list - but only in the morning due to ayuverdic principles.
348 m from hotel
Coconut ice cream was really nice, even after years eating of italian ice cream 👌❤
432 m from hotel
Everything we tasted, Tom yum, pizza, tuna steak and the chocolate cake was awesome. Top food place so far in Mirissa. We keep coming here everyday.
456 m from hotel
Здесь рядом ест пляж Merissa и мини остров на который можно подняться по старинной лесенке и там такой закат!
482 m from hotel
Matara Rd.
Шикарный пляж!!! Если пройти по дороге в сторону Матары, то за основным пляжем, есть маленький красивый уединенный пляж без туристов!
0.6 km from hotel
Beach Side Rd
Lime and mint drink (unfortunately towards the end of the drink, I found a short hair in my mouth). It must be SL but scramble tofu was a tad over salted as most of my meals in all over the country.
0.7 km from hotel
Sunanda Road
Great view on the beach with beautiful palms in the front!
1.0 km from hotel
Near Coconut Tree Hill, Mirissa, Sri Lanka
Absolutely great, hidden spot with a beautiful garden and good coffee.
4.9 km from hotel
Wella Addara Watta